How to build a thriving online business

The New Era of Marketing: How to Build a Thriving Business Online

The New Era of Marketing: How to Build a Thriving Business Online

Digital Marketing Must-Haves for Continued Growth with Lighter Teams and Lower Costs

The must-haves for success in digital marketing include a deep understanding of available technologies, smaller and more agile teams for content production, and cross-channel optimization.

Powerful AI Leveraged Analytics and Workflows

AI Leveraged Analytics and Workflows:

AI-powered tools for data analytics will help digital marketers analyze large volumes of data quickly and effectively, providing insights that can be used to optimize campaigns, improve targeting, and increase ROI. Personalized content, structured data for search results, and logical linked website hierarchies are also must-haves in the future of digital marketing.

Smaller Agile Teams with Improved Efficiency

Smaller, more agile teams for content production:

In the future of digital marketing, speed and agility will be key to success. Smaller teams can work more quickly and collaboratively to produce high-quality content that engages audiences across multiple channels.

Deep Knowledge of Many Technologies

Deep knowledge of available technologies:

The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and leaders must have a deep understanding of the technologies and platforms available to them. This includes social media, mobile, video, and emerging technologies such as augmented reality and virtual reality.

Cross Channel Optimization

Cross-channel optimization:

With so many channels available to reach customers, it’s essential to optimize campaigns across all channels to ensure a consistent brand message and maximize ROI.

Intuitive Content Personalization

Personalization of content:

Personalized content that speaks directly to individual customers’ needs and preferences is increasingly important in digital marketing. Personalization can be achieved through data analysis, AI-powered tools, and targeted messaging.

Logical Linked Content and Architecture

Logical linked website hierarchies:

A well-organized website hierarchy can help improve user experience and make it easier for search engines to crawl and index your site, improving search engine visibility and driving more traffic to your site.

Sound Structured Data Strategy and Validation

Structured data for search result opportunities:

Structured data markup can help search engines better understand the content on your site, providing more opportunities for rich search results such as featured snippets, knowledge panels, and reviews.

Leverage and Distribution of Video Content

Video content:

Video is becoming an increasingly important medium in digital marketing, with studies showing that it can be more engaging and effective than other types of content.

Optimization for the Mobile Experience

Mobile optimization:

With more users accessing the internet on mobile devices, it’s essential to optimize your content for mobile platforms, including responsive design and mobile-first strategies.

Continuous learning and experimentation:

The digital marketing landscape is constantly changing, and success in this field requires a willingness to learn and experiment with new ideas and strategies. This involves staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, attending conferences and training sessions, and experimenting with new approaches to see what works best for your brand.

With so many channels available to reach customers, it’s essential to optimize campaigns across all channels to ensure a consistent brand message and maximize ROI.

Sound Structured Data Strategy and Validation

Digital literacy:

As a leader in digital marketing, it’s essential to be proficient in digital technologies, tools, and platforms that power online marketing strategies. This includes social media, email marketing, analytics, and SEO.

Leverage and Distribution of Video Content

Strategic thinking:

The ability to think strategically and develop innovative ideas that align with the company’s overall goals and objectives is critical to success in digital marketing. This involves identifying and understanding trends, analyzing data, and developing effective marketing strategies that maximize ROI.

Optimization for the Mobile Experience

Data analysis:

With the increasing importance of data in digital marketing, leaders must have the ability to analyze and interpret data, identify trends and patterns, and use data-driven insights to make informed decisions.


Digital marketing is a highly creative field, and leaders must be able to think outside the box, develop new ideas and strategies, and create engaging content that resonates with audiences.


The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and leaders must be adaptable and open to change. This involves being able to pivot quickly and adjust strategies to keep up with changing trends and technologies.


Effective communication is crucial in digital marketing, and leaders must be able to communicate clearly and persuasively with various stakeholders, including team members, clients, and customers.


Effective collaboration is key to success in digital marketing, and leaders must be able to work effectively with cross-functional teams, including designers, developers, content creators, and analysts.


As a leader, it’s essential to inspire and motivate your team, set clear goals and objectives, provide feedback and coaching, and foster a culture of innovation and growth.

Customer Focus

The customer is at the center of digital marketing, and leaders must have a deep understanding of their needs, preferences, and behaviors. This involves conducting customer research, analyzing data, and developing customer-centric marketing strategies.

Leveraging Distributable Content and Data

The inclusion of various forms of distributable content and relevant schema markup has become increasingly important. Schema markup is a type of structured data that provides context to search engines about the content on your website. This allows search engines to provide more relevant and informative search results to users. Here are a few examples of how the inclusion of schema markup can benefit your marketing strategy.

Product schema: Product schema is a type of schema markup that provides additional information about products on your website. This can include the product name, brand, price, availability, and more. By including product schema, you can improve the visibility of your products in search results, making it easier for potential customers to find them.

Review schema: Review schema is another type of schema markup that provides information about customer reviews for products or services. By including review schema, you can help search engines display star ratings and review snippets in search results, which can increase click-through rates and help potential customers make more informed purchasing decisions.

Carousel structured data: Carousel structured data is a type of schema markup that allows you to display multiple images or videos in a carousel format in search results. This can make your content more visually appealing and increase engagement with potential customers.

News schema: News schema is a type of schema markup that allows you to provide additional context to search engines about news articles on your website. This can include the article title, author, date published, and more. By including news schema, you can improve the visibility of your news articles in search results, making it easier for potential readers to find them.

Video schema: Video schema is a type of schema markup that provides information about video content on your website. This can include the video title, description, thumbnail, and more. By including video schema, you can improve the visibility of your video content in search results, making it easier for potential viewers to find them.

How-to schema: How-to schema is a type of schema markup that provides additional information about how-to guides or tutorials on your website. This can include step-by-step instructions, images or videos, time required, and more. By including how-to schema, you can help search engines display your how-to guides or tutorials in a rich snippet format in search results, making it easier for potential users to find them.

How-to schema can also improve user engagement by providing a more visually appealing and informative display of your content in search results. Overall, using how-to schema can help increase the visibility and engagement of your how-to guides or tutorials in search results, ultimately driving more traffic and conversions to your website.

The Ever Increasing Important of Technical SEO

The inclusion of various forms of distributable content and relevant schema markup has become increasingly important in digital marketing. By using schema markup, you can provide additional context to search engines about the content on your website, making it easier for potential customers to find your products, services, and content. From product schema to video schema, incorporating relevant schema markup can help improve your website’s visibility and ultimately drive more traffic and conversions.

Keyword Stuffing

This is when businesses use too many keywords on their website in an attempt to rank higher in search results.

Not only does it make the content difficult to read, but search engines also penalize websites for keyword stuffing.

For example, a website may use the keyword “best pizza in New York” in every sentence, even when it doesn’t make sense.

Ignoring Meta Descriptions

A meta description is a short blurb that appears below the title tag in search engine results.

It provides a brief summary of the content on a web page. Ignoring meta descriptions can hurt your website’s SEO as it prevents potential visitors from understanding what your page is about.

For example, a website may have a meta description that says “Welcome to our website” instead of providing a summary of the page’s content.

Not Optimizing for Mobile Experience

With more and more people using mobile devices to search the web, it’s essential that your website is optimized for mobile devices.

If it’s not, your website’s search engine ranking will suffer.

For example, a website may have small text and images that are too large for mobile devices, making it difficult to navigate.

Ignoring Backlinks

Ignoring backlinks:

Backlinks are links from other websites that point to your website. They’re an important factor in search engine ranking.

Ignoring backlinks can hurt your website’s SEO as it reduces your website’s credibility in the eyes of search engines.

For example, a website may not have any backlinks, making it appear less authoritative than other websites in the same niche.

Duplicate Content

Ignoring meta descriptions:

A meta description is a short blurb that appears below the title tag in search engine results.

It provides a brief summary of the content on a web page. Ignoring meta descriptions can hurt your website’s SEO as it prevents potential visitors from understanding what your page is about.

For example, a website may have a meta description that says “Welcome to our website” instead of providing a summary of the page’s content.

Image Optimization

Not optimizing for mobile:

With more and more people using mobile devices to search the web, it’s essential that your website is optimized for mobile devices.

If it’s not, your website’s search engine ranking will suffer.

For example, a website may have small text and images that are too large for mobile devices, making it difficult to navigate.

Heading Tags

Not using header tags correctly:

Header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) are important for organizing content on a web page.

Not using header tags correctly can hurt your website’s SEO as it makes it difficult for search engines to understand the hierarchy of the content on a web page.

For example, a website may use H1 tags for subheadings instead of the main heading, resulting in confusion for search engines and visitors.

Local SEO

Ignoring local SEO:

Local SEO is important for businesses that serve a local audience.

Ignoring local SEO can hurt your website’s SEO as it prevents potential visitors from finding your business in local search results.

For example, a website may not have a Google My Business listing, making it difficult for local customers to find them.

Page Speed

Neglecting page speed:

Page speed is an important factor in search engine ranking as it affects user experience.

Neglecting page speed can hurt your website’s SEO as slow-loading pages can result in a poor user experience, which can lead to a high bounce rate.

For example, a website may have large images and videos that slow down page load times, resulting in a bad user experience.

Technical SEO Best practices

Best practices for success in digital marketing include video content, mobile optimization, and continuous learning and experimentation.

Video is becoming an increasingly important medium in digital marketing, with studies showing that it can be more engaging and effective than other types of content.

Mobile optimization is also essential, as more users access the internet on mobile devices.

Support from Experienced Search Optimization and Strategy

Success in digital marketing requires a combination of leadership skills, must-haves, and best practices. As search continues to diversify across platforms, it’s important for digital marketers to optimize their campaigns across all channels to ensure a consistent brand message and maximize ROI.

The evolution of a webpage to include much more technical information and schema is another key trend in the future of digital marketing.

With the rise of structured data markup, search engines are better able to understand the content on your site, providing more opportunities for rich search results such as featured snippets, knowledge panels, and reviews.

Having a basic understanding of page structures and internal linking strategies can also help improve user experience and make it easier for search engines to crawl and index your site, improving search engine visibility and driving more traffic to your site.

As digital marketing continues to evolve, it’s essential to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, experiment with new ideas and strategies, and maintain a focus on the customer at all times.

By developing the necessary leadership skills, must-haves, and best practices, digital marketers can stay competitive in this dynamic and exciting field, and continue to drive growth and success for their organizations.

Search Engine Optimization Proficiency

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a vital component of any digital marketing strategy. It helps businesses improve their website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs), driving more traffic and ultimately increasing conversions.

Common Search Engine Strategy Mistakes

However, there are many common mistakes that businesses make when trying to improve their SEO.

Let’s explore 10 of the most common SEO mistakes and provide examples to help you avoid them.

Common mistakes of SEO implementation and best-practices

SEO is an essential component of digital marketing, but there are many common mistakes businesses make that can hurt their website’s ranking and visibility. One of the most common mistakes is keyword stuffing, which involves using too many keywords in an attempt to rank higher in search results.

However, search engines penalize websites for keyword stuffing, and it also makes the content difficult to read. Ignoring meta descriptions is another mistake that can hurt SEO, as it prevents potential visitors from understanding what a web page is about.

Ignoring backlinks, duplicate content, and not optimizing images are also common SEO mistakes. Backlinks are links from other websites that point to your website, and they’re an important factor in search engine ranking.

Duplicate content is content that appears on more than one web page, and it can hurt SEO as search engines may penalize your website for having duplicate content. Optimizing images, including alt text and descriptive file names, is also important for SEO.

Other common SEO mistakes include not using header tags correctly, neglecting local SEO, and neglecting page speed. Header tags are important for organizing content on a web page, and not using them correctly can hurt SEO. Local SEO is important for businesses that serve a local audience, and neglecting it can prevent potential customers from finding your business in local search results.

Neglecting page speed can also hurt SEO, as slow-loading pages can result in a poor user experience and high bounce rates. By avoiding these common SEO mistakes, businesses can improve their website’s ranking and visibility in search engine results pages.

10 Common Technical SEO Mistakes

Technical SEO is an essential aspect of website optimization that involves improving the website’s backend structure to ensure that search engine crawlers can easily crawl and index your pages. However, there are many technical SEO mistakes that businesses make that can hurt their website’s visibility and ranking. Here are ten common technical SEO mistakes and examples to avoid them.

Poor site structure: A poorly structured website can confuse search engine crawlers and make it difficult for them to understand the hierarchy of your pages. For example, a website may have multiple pages with similar content, making it difficult for crawlers to determine which page to rank for specific keywords.

Slow page load speed: A slow-loading website can hurt user experience, which in turn can negatively impact your website’s ranking. For example, a website may have large images and videos that slow down page load times, resulting in a poor user experience and high bounce rate.

Broken links: Broken links can create a negative user experience and hurt your website’s SEO. For example, a website may have links that lead to 404 error pages or pages that no longer exist.

Lack of HTTPS encryption: HTTPS encryption is now a ranking factor for Google, and not having it can hurt your website’s ranking. For example, a website may not have an SSL certificate, which means that the website is not secure and may be vulnerable to cyber attacks.

No XML sitemap: An XML sitemap is a file that lists all the pages on your website and helps search engine crawlers find and index them. For example, a website may not have an XML sitemap, making it difficult for search engine crawlers to find and index all of the website’s pages.

Missing alt tags: Alt tags are used to describe images on your website, making them accessible to visually impaired users and helping search engines understand the content of your pages. For example, a website may have images with no alt tags, making it difficult for search engine crawlers to understand the content of the images.

No robots.txt file: A robots.txt file tells search engine crawlers which pages on your website to crawl and which ones to ignore. For example, a website may not have a robots.txt file, which means that search engine crawlers may crawl pages that you don’t want them to.

Duplicated metadata: Duplicated metadata can confuse search engine crawlers and hurt your website’s ranking. For example, a website may have multiple pages with the same metadata, making it difficult for search engine crawlers to differentiate between them.

Poorly optimized URLs: A poorly optimized URL can hurt your website’s ranking and make it difficult for users to understand what the page is about. For example, a website may have URLs that are too long, contain random characters, or use underscores instead of hyphens.

No schema markup: Schema markup is code that helps search engine crawlers understand the content of your website and display rich snippets in search results. For example, a website may not have schema markup for their products, making it difficult for search engines to understand the product information.

By avoiding these common technical SEO mistakes, businesses can improve their website’s visibility and ranking in search engine results pages.
The Future of Digital Marketing

The future of digital marketing, success will require a combination of leadership skills, must-haves, and best practices. Among the top leadership skills necessary for success are digital literacy, strategic thinking, adaptability, and creativity. Leaders in digital marketing must also be able to communicate effectively, collaborate well with others, and maintain a focus on the customer at all times. Continuous learning and professional development will be key to staying ahead of the curve in this rapidly evolving field.