Small Business Guide to SEO
Building a business is tough, navigating today's digital marketing space can be a confusing place, especially if your business isn't necessarily web related. Lots of different technical terms for this, better ways to do that. It can all be quite frustrating and overwhelming, especially if you feel like you're spinning your wheels and not getting any traction. There are many ways to market your business online, SEO is just one potential opportunity to drive more qualified traffic to your webpages and one we feel most businesses should consider as part of their overall marketing plan.
Nowadays it's pretty common to hear about "SEO growth hacks" and while there are some methods than can certainly help in that arena businesses are much better off by developing a strong digital foundation for brand growth online using best-practices and a clear and focused online strategy.
Developing a strong digital foundation that spans organic and paid search as well as social channels and website experience all play into the decision making of today's online consumers. The brand storytelling is often the toughest subject to nail down, once done though it makes building out the digital foundation that much easier. Once you develop the music and melody playing that song across many channels just becomes a little easier. When brands fail to properly develop that storyline is when we often see mis-matched marketing campaigns and brand messaging.
So we've decided to provide you with a small business guide to SEO or search engine optimization guide. In this guide we've put together a beginners checklist for small business websites and how as a business owner or decision maker you can use this information to begin helping your brand perform better online.
After you have finished with this guide checkout our Top 10 SEO ranking factors. If you feel you still need some assistance feel free to reach out. Our team is ready to help you achieve your online goals, but for now, let's get into the SEO Guide for Small Businesses.